Photographer Interview:
Yulissa Benitez Amaro
Yulissa Benitez Amaro, often called Yu-lez is a photographer from Queens, NY. Shooting since the age of 15 (now 23), Yulissa’s career began after applying to an old printing high school that focused on visual arts, specifically design and photography. Starting with black and white film photography, Yu-lez now dabbles in both film and digital. With work based on mood, sometimes giving off a different era of time through the unique use of color, texture styles, and lighting. The subject focus is mainly people and portraiture, often working with musicians and garment designers. Yu-lez’s work hints at surrealism, imitating the nature of the mind’s wonder and curiosity. Contrasting colors and post work creates an extremely cinematic final, deriving influence from experimental films of the 80s and 90s. Beautiful, edgy and one of a kind images is what Yulissa creates.
Tell us a little about yourself? Where you’re from, where you’re based now?
I'm Mexican, and I reside in Queens. I've been living here almost my whole life. While I was in high school the internet became a place where I would showcase my photographs. I think that was around the time when Instagram was on the rise, with all of those “pleasingly aesthetic photos,” Tumblr was around too. As a teenager, of course, I was inspired. It was a time where I began to dive into things that interested me. Music is a big part of it, running around going to shows and parties. Growing up in NY, everyone was always down and about to get their photo taken wherever it is that you went. As far as my photo career goes, I never initially planned on being a photographer for this long but turns out I really love it!!
What kept you in NYC?
My mothers mom moved to Queens in the early 90s. My father was in between living here and Mexico. My mother eventually moved here, so I guess just family. What keeps me here though, there's no other place I'd like to call home. So cliche but true.
Tell us a weird/fun fact about yourself?
I think people are surprised by how much I like animals, or the amount of pets I have had. In Mexico, my grandfather has a ranch where I'd spend lots of time in as a kid, a herd dog was my first pet. I also had a big ass bull.
How long have you been shooting for?
I've been shooting for 7 years now. I started to learn around the age of 15. After enrolling into a random photo high school trying to escape my everyday routine and looking for a hobby that would suit me. But I started taking it seriously and dedicating time to it like 3 years ago.
Did you buy your first camera or was it a gift? What type of camera was it?
It was a gift. I started with a borrowed camera for my ‘B/W Film 101” class freshman year that later on became my own. My photo teachers were extremely supportive and motivating. They did the most to help . It was a Nikon Fm10. But I got my very own camera when I turned 16. It served to substitute the sweet 16 I didn't want haha.
Does photography run in your family?
It does not run in my family actually but they do take lots of photos. It’s more for the memories, very classic family photos. They're just not really photographers. I think my mother’s father might have enjoyed taking photos though, but I never got the chance to meet him but who knows maybe I got it from him.
Does your environment influence you as a creative?
I guess so, yeah. I am surrounded by a lot of creative people so that definitely influences what I make. I am inspired by the things around me constantly so 100% it does.
“Music, moods, imagination. They all tie together for me. I'll hear something and have some sort of thought or feeling that will align with some type of photograph…”
Any specific moment that stands out where you knew you wanted to pursue photography?
Honestly many, working on an idea and seeing the end result of it always pushes me to wanting to keep this going. There was this one photographer who I visited at his studio. He's been in the photo game for a while and gave me some advice that I've taken with me throughout my recent photo years. He also gifted me a half frame film camera (Pen-EE). I remember using it and when I got the photos back I was just like “wow…” The outcome of the photos, and the talented person that blessed me with the camera gave me a push of encouragement to keep on going!
For the L$P shoot - it seems like an acid trip and a play on the influence of acid. Was there any recreational drugs that took place or motivated this?
I wish, haha but no, she is just like a trip herself. She is so cool and creative. No acid necessary.
Talk to us about your creative process when editing these images? None of them look the same but all have a signature feel to them.
Yeah, the editing situation, it can take me a long time just because I procrastinate so much. I like to wait for the ideas to come without forcing it. I have to actually want to edit. I can't just make myself edit. So I don't know, mood and music influence a lot of my ideas... Sometimes the people I shoot tend to remind me of something familiar so I’ll string ideas from that. But most times I'll just open up the photo and I'll play some music and go for it!
What do you usually bump to?
I listen to everything. I’ll just play something and I'll be like, "Yeah, this is hitting let me flow with this." But recently I've been listening to a lot of electronic music. My friend's music. I really like posters like old rave posters, punk posters like party posters from the '90s. My whole wall is surrounded by them. So looking at that makes me want to edit that way.
Do you have a hand in styling or makeup?
Not always unless it's my shoot idea. I do have opinions and suggestions but I just let people do what they want as long as it ties well with what we're doing. I'll definitely talk about it beforehand like "What's the vibe that we want to go for?" But styling, yeah, sometimes I like to know what’s going to be worn. Just because I feel like it can throw off the shoot depending if there is some sort of theme or direction we are trying to follow. I like to make sure that people are comfortable and I hate taking photos of someone and they look like they're not uncomfortable because they're wearing something they don't like, or they don't like their makeup. So yeah. I can have some say, but I let people do their thing.
Your “faces” project is beautiful, can you tell us about it and it’s intention if any?
I wasn't too sure of where I was going with it but I just decided to pick up old work and make use of it during quarantine. I wanted to see everyone I've taken photos of, there were many I couldn't remember taking but I just started cutting out the faces. And I was like, "Wait, this can be cool, let me collage them." And it just went into that and honestly I didn't expect it to be a project till I realized how many faces I've captured at shoots, shows, parties, hangouts, and other random events that can fit into a whole series. I think it's cool to just have everyone all together in one photo. A lot of the time I'm like "Yeah, I met this person once, haha.”
Are there any films you draw inspiration from?
There's this cinematographer named Wong Kar-Wai, he is amazing. His use of color and motion is really sick, I definitely draw inspo from him. I'm really into movies that use color to enhance a mood. My attention span when it comes to watching a film is kind of bad. I'm known to fall asleep haha but a few of my favorites are Spun, Made in Hong Kong, Amores Perros, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Chungking Express, Fight Club, andddd A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints. They're all like dark but yet very saturated movies.
Favorite shoot and why?
Shooting with friends is always really fun. I like when I'm allowed to creatively control a shoot. It's fun to choose my own team, cast my model friends etc., I did this shoot for sneakers and stuff, which was a few months ago, like two, three months ago. And they gave me a budget and they were like, "Do whatever." I got to hire all my models, I got to hire my stylist, my assistant, makeup artist, everyone that was hired in that team was a friend of mine and paying them was like really accomplishing. I was like "come have fun but also get paid." That was a cool shoot with a sick turnaround.
Are you a self taught photographer? Any advice you would give to beginners?
I went to high school for photography and I tried to pick up as much as I could. It was a public school, with low ratings but with an amazing photo program not many took advantage of. We learned film development, photoshop techniques, studio lighting. It was all by the rules though, I wasn't allowed to experiment or anything. It was more like, "These are the projects, this is what you're doing, learn the numbers, learn how to scale, learn all of this." So I was definitely taught at school, and then I took everything I learned with me but it was kind of a while until I started to really use what I learned. I dusted off my skills and just started experimenting more. That's advice I would give, just experiment. People get overwhelmed by photoshop and the whole editing process of shooting and lighting. Honestly, just go for it, experiment until you're comfortable!
On Set…
What camera would you want to be your last?
Maybe the first camera I started with, or this Sony camcorder I found in my moms closet that I take with me everywhere. It has a built in projector, and the photos it takes never need to be touched up because they already looked edited haha.
Assistant or solo?
Assistant! I work well with others, and sometimes shoots can be overwhelming. I think having an assistant goes way beyond photo work, it's like emotional support -lol- Especially if I've hired close photo friends. It's kind of comforting to know I'm not all alone. Who doesn't like to hang at work? I also think it's important to put people on, having them assist you can also help them gain experience and meet others.
When shooting analog on set, do you also shoot digital and/or vice versa?
I shoot both film and digital. Lots of digital recently, since I've been experimenting with photoshop more. But I'll always have a film camera on set with me to switch turns with.
Candid or posed? Why?
Candid, honesty. I don't like it when a model feels uncomfortable or too posey because then it shows through the photo. I like to tell my models to pretend theyre in a certain situation and to act it out. I also prefer candid shots of myself, as a photographer it's always awkward for me to pose in front of a camera, so off guard is the way to go for me.
Flash or no flash? Why?
Depending on the lighting of course, I can be into flash sometimes but I do use a lot of color lighting so usually not. Definitely don't like strobe.
Go to song(s) to open up the mood on set?
I like to play a lot of 2000s RnB, people always tend to sing along to that so it kind of gets things going, or an older, popular club song . But I always like to ask the person I'm photographing what they'd like to hear first.
When it comes to photography, what moves you to shoot?
Music, moods, imagination. They all tie together for me. I'll hear something and have some sort of thought or feeling that will align with some type of photograph I wish I could take. It's kind of hard to explain, I guess it is all sort of texturized thoughts.
Is there any particular element of shooting you would like to tackle or explore?
I would really like to get into video. Ideally, I'd like to carry on the same style I have now but just in video form, and use sounds created by friends and other musical artists I'm a fan of.
Any upcoming projects that you’re working on?
A few, most of the things i'm working on involve musicians. Lots of press and cover art!
What would you like people to take away from your work?
I like when people tell me it makes them feel some type of way, so maybe that. A feeling, or to spark a thought.
Interview by 35s & 45s